What’s New: Emmy win and book news!

Hello, everyone! It’s summer in Seattle and life is good. The nights are long, the days are warm(-ish) and everyone has emerged from their dark apartments to frolic in the rare sunlight. It’s been an exciting summer so far- here’s what’s going on!

I won an Emmy!

Okay, so technically it’s a Northwest Regional Emmy. But it’s still an Emmy.

Anyway, I won my first Emmy! I won along with three other KING coworkers for our work on Evening’s “New Year’s at the Needle” special. It was such an amazing night, and I felt so honored to receive the award along with two very hard working producers! There were a ton of people who made the show happen, so it was truly a team effort.

The event itself was also really fun. At some point during the night, regrettably, I used the pointy end of one of the Emmy’s wings to pick up a french fry. I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself. Other people were doing it at the table. Peer pressure, you know?

If you’re wondering, the dress is from Rent the Runway. I really wanted to emulate a disco ball for my look that night. Did I succeed?

Five Minutes at Hotel Stormcove is here!

The short story anthology Five Minutes at Hotel Stormcove is officially HERE! You can buy it on Amazon. My flash fiction piece “You Can’t Go Back” is featured in the anthology.

There’s a lot of great stories in the book, so I’d highly recommend picking up a copy! The eBook version is only $5, so if you’re looking for a cheaper version, the eBook is a perfect choice.

That’s all of the updates for now, but check back in soon for more! And of course, you can follow along on all the social media sites.



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